République tchèque

Czech industry


The Czech strong industrial tradition began in the 19th century, when Bohemia and Moravia were the economic heartland of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The Czech GDP / head ranked n°7 in the world in 1945.

The Czech Republic is following EU directives for production, quality, environmental regulation…

Leader of the Central and Eastern European countries during the Communism, the Czech industry is currently fighting to survive. The Czech republic has one of the most developed industrialized economies in Central and Eastern Europe, but the industrial restructuring is still unsufficient.

Major industries are fuels, ferrous metallurgy, machinery and equipment, motor vehicles, glass, textile, chemicals, armaments.

The Czech car industry is one of the strongest of the country.

The Czech car market in 2012

auto sector

Source: autosap.cz, 2012


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More info

Car industry

autosap.cz - Automotive Industry Association - SAP

portal.sda-cia.cz - Car importers association


Chemistry and paper

schp.cz - Association of Chemical Industry

acpp.cz - Association of Pulp and Paper Industry


Engineering & hi-tec

sst.cz - Association of Manucturers and Suppliers of Engineering Technique

electroindustry.cz - Czech and Moravian Electrical and Electronic Association



hz.cz - Steel Federation

svazslevaren.cz - Foundry Association - Association of Foundries of the Czech Republics

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