The international code for the Czech Republic is +420. The outgoing code is 00 followed by the country code - 44 for the UK or 1 for the US. Most people use mobile phones - they can be rented at the airport. Payphones accept coins or phonecards telefonni karty which can be bought at Post Offices or news kiosks. If using a mobile abroad, always check that you won't be charged a fortune for a two minute call.
Call 158 for police; 155 for an ambulance or 150 in the event of fire. You can dial 112 for an English-speaking operator.
City codes
Prague - 2, Brno - 5, Plzeň - 19, Olomouc - 68, Ostrava - 69, Liberec - 48, + phone number.
Call the Czech Republic from abroad
00 420 +city code + number (no city codes for mobile phones)
Mobile phones companies in the Czech Republic
Telefónica O2 Czech Republic, a.s., T-Mobile Czech Republic a.s., Vodafone Czech Republic a.s., MobilKom, a.s.
Useful phone numbers
police - 158
fire - 150
ambulance - 155
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