République tchèque

Doing business in the Czech Republic


The Czech Republic has one of Central Europe’s most developed and industrialized economies. The country imposes few regulations on companies, thus most of the trade and business are based on contractual freedom. Also, the private sector represents more than 90 % of the GDP in 2012.

Czech business environment

The Czech Republic has set up since 1989 a little constraining business framework

The Czech Republic ranks 26th in the world index of economic freedom, ahead of most EU members.


The Czech Republic’s top income tax rate is 32 percent. The top corporate income tax rate is 31 percent. The black market remains at a high level. The Czech Republic is one of the largest exporters of counterfeited products and has a high level of corruption.

business Anybody can succeed in the Czech Republic, especially dishonest people


Other useful sections of the website


kuBusiness and trade in the Czech Republic

kuEconomic sectors


To go further

europa.eu/youreurope/business/countries/... - Your Europe - Doing business in the Czech Republic

doingbusiness.org/data/... - Doing Business Data 2012 for the Czech Republic - The World Bank

heritage.org/index/country/czechrepublic - Index of Economic Freedom for the Czech Republic, Heritage Foundation

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